Военно-инженерный институт СФУ(Сайт ЗАКРЫТ)

The Minister of Defense Shoygu S.K. visited the SibFU

On February 12, 2014, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergey Kuzhugetovich Shoygu, arrived to the SibFU, met students and cadets of the Military and engineering institute, visited an exhibition of scientific developments of the institute which can be employed both by civil agencies, and the military.

During the conversation with students the Head of defense department gave an appreciation to a present status of the Armed forces, told them about future directions of the officer military service, and also concerned the rearmament matters. At the meeting, Sergey Kuzhugetovich told the audience about the new program of training of soldiers and sergeants in reserve, including specific theoretical course and the 3-months military exercise instead of the 1-year military service.