Военно-инженерный институт СФУ(Сайт ЗАКРЫТ)

Tactical training maneuvers as the exam of combat maturity.

On the 23 and 24 of May 2012 in the Institute of Military Training the tactical training maneuvers were conducted with the final course cadets. In contrast to the last year these tactical exercises were conducted with the cadets of the 1st and the 3rd departments. More…

Military Training Center got the new technical equipment

On the 17th of May, 2012, the new generation radio detection and ranging station was added to the SibFU Military Training Center armoury. More…

Military-patriotic game "I serve for Russia"

On the 20th May, 2012 in the Institute of Military Training (IMT) of the Siberian Federal University the military-patriotic game called «I serve for Russia!» took place. More…

The holiday with tears on eyes

May 9, 2012 the personnel of the Military Training Institute, Siberian Federal University took part in the solemn procession at the Revolution Square, dedicated to the 67th anniversary of Victory Day. More…

Wrestling Hall of SFU is opened!

May 5, 2012, the Military Training Institute of Siberian Federal University solemnized the opening of the new SFU Wrestling Hall (Akademgorodok, 13a). More…

The Military training Institute instructors found 238 missing soldiers of the Great Patriotic War

May 2, 2012 at Krasnoyarsk`s Victory Memorial Square the opening ceremony of memorial slabs with the names of the deceased in the hospitals of Krasnoyarsk during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was solemnized. More…

Events in the eve of the 67th anniversary of the Soviet people's victory in GPW

April 28, 2012 at Holy Trinity and St. Nicholas cemeteries, the Military training Institute instructors and cadets worked on improvement of graves of soldiers who died of wounds in the evacuation hospital in Krasnoyarsk during the Great Patriotic War. More…

Military interpreters have accepted the Military Oath.

On the 22nd of September, 2012 the cadets of the military translation department took the Military Oath. The ceremonial events were held in the troop unit №54630 (loc. Kozulka). More…